Creating High Performance Teams
General duration
1 day
Target group
This workshop is designed to improve team functioning by addressing the key imperatives of a high performance team - ‘Who are we?’ and ‘Where are we going?’ Using the TMS Team Management Profile, team members learn practical tools for improving relationships and communication. Participants complete a questionnaire prior to the workshop and receive a 500 word individual report during the workshop that helps them to understand how they like to work and communicate. The morning session focuses on building team trust through understanding different work and communication styles, sharing their personal profiles with each other, and beginning a Team Charter where they will commit to valuing those differences. During the afternoon session, the team analyses their current effectiveness by addressing – ‘what’s working and what’s not’. They will use the Team Management Wheel to identify areas of strength and possible gaps, to share success stories and mistakes, and to create action plans around those strengths and weaknesses to deliver on the Team Purpose
Learning objectives
At the completion of this program, participants will have:
Course content
High Performing Teams – what do they look like?
- The team is introduced to the Team Management Wheel and the critical factors for successful team functioning
Understanding work and communication preferences
- Through a number of interactive activities the team explores differences in work and communication styles and how they effect team functioning
The team begins a charter where they agree on new behaviours that will improve team communication and functioning
My personal profile
- Participants receive their personal profile and have time to read it.
Valuing Differences
- The team participates in a number of activities designed to help them safely share their profiles with each other. Further items will be added to the team charter as a result.
Where are we now?
- The team’s profiles are plotted on the Team Management Wheel which will help them to understand where their strengths are, where they may have gaps in work functioning, and particular challenges in communication. The team will identify the unique contribution that each member brings to the team.
What's working?
- The team takes time celebrate their successes and create action plans for building on those strengths. Some of the outcomes of this may be added to the Team Charter
What's not working so well?
- Participants work in small groups to create Action Plans to address any team process gaps or further communication issues that were not addressed in the morning.
Working together
- The team undertakes a fun, creative problem-solving task to apply their insights from the day
Commitment to Change
Review outcomes, Team Charter and Action Plans
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