The role of the leader
- What is leadership?
- Leadership qualities
- Are leaders born or made?
- The combination of people and task issues for a leader
- Different leadership styles
- Ethics for a leader
Setting expectations and helping staff reach full potential
- The importance of clearly defining your expectations
- Writing objectives and standards aligned to organisational requirements:
- SMART objectives under the headings of
- Coaching staff to help them achieve objectives
- Job Instruction and feedfront
- GROW model
- Staff development options
- SMART objectives under the headings of
- Quality,
- Quantity
- Time
- Cost
What is motivation?
- What is motivation?
- The difference between negative and positive motivation
- What inspires staff to achieve ‘that extra’
- How can we re-create that feel in the workplace?
- The self fulfilling prophecy
- Choosing your attitude and staying positive
- What is delegation?
- What are the advantages of delegation
- Why are leaders hesitant to delegate?
- 6-step delegation process
Providing feedback
- The need for daily feedback
- The JOHARI window
- The five emotional reactions to feedback: SARAH reaction to feedback
- Delivering daily feedback in a non-defensive manner using the SEC model
- Addressing continued underperformance
Communicating with staff
- Why do people have different opinions?
- Our innate reaction when we hear different views to ours
- Model for teasing out and dealing with differences
- Sender and receiver skills required
- Managing and resolving conflict
- Emotional intelligence
Implementing change
- Why is change necessary for an organisation?
- Sources of change
- Why do people resist change?
- The four phases of change
- Implementing change to reduce resistance
Decision making and displaying initiative
- Identifying opportunities for potential improvement
- Six-step model for problem solving/decision making
- Comparative tables
- Stakeholder analysis and engagement
- The advantages of including staff in decision making
- GNT to include staff in decision making
Applying principles to the workplace
- Major learning points and how to apply them